Purple Salsa weekly classes

Purple Salsa - live and in-person!

(Looking for our pre-recorded library of steps and technique? You can find that here)

Class details:

Salsa in Wokingham, every Tuesday evening!

Where to find us:

Emmbrook Village Hall Emmbrook Road Wokingham RG41 1JN


There is some parking at the hall itself. Otherwise, please park considerately in the roads near the hall, making sure you check for any parking restrictions.


  • Beginners' class 7.45-8.30pm
  • Improvers' class 8.45-9.30pm
  • Social dancing 9.30-10.30pm
Image of people dancing in couples in a circle with the teacher in the centre


We run sessions weekly on Tuesday evenings. Occasionally, we might be taking a holiday break - to check if we are running on any given evening, please just get in touch, or sign up to our salsa emails to receive notifications keeping you up to date.

Other information:

  • Payment is on the door (card or cash) or via the ‘Book now’ button (on the day of class only).
  • No need to book, no partner needed, no experience necessary.
  • Wear whatever you feel comfortable in - salsa is very relaxed!
  • Footwear - it probably goes without saying, but avoid things like flipflops that won’t stay on well! Trainers are great if you’re just starting out.
  • Bring a drink (and a snack if you want one!)


Image of a group of people dancing and smiling
Salsa is a beautiful, lively, energising dance - it brings so much joy to my life, and I want to bring that to you too! I have been teaching salsa (with a bit of a break for parenting!) since around 2003, and it has been one of the great loves of my life - both dancing and teaching it. There is so much to learn with salsa - AND it’s really simple to get started, and to start enjoying the movement and the music. For more information about salsa and what it can bring to your life, visit this page, or please do just get in touch if you have questions.


Benefits of dance:

It Is Fun!!!

Increases body awareness

Helps reduce mind chatter and distractions, and gets you in the flow!

Connects you with others

Boosts mood

Reduces stress

Helps with self-confidence

Is adaptable (depending on your needs)

Can be enjoyed by the whole family

Improves physical health and wellbeing (cardiovascular health, balance, muscle and bone strength, coordination, agility, flexibility)

Improves mental health and performance (memory, cognition)


What you will learn

Session content

For complete beginners, you will be made most welcome in our 7.45pm class (we teach from scratch in this class every week). Once you’ve been to a few classes and got the basics (basic, back, side, open out, the left and right turns, and the cross-body lead), you can join the improvers' 8.45pm class. After the improvers' class finishes,

Image of a group of dancers from behind in a class
we have ‘freestyle’ (social) dancing (all levels of dancer welcome!) - which just means staying on and practising what you’ve learnt, getting to know some of the other dancers, and seeing where that takes you!


How we do it?

Our live classes are a brilliant way to learn this beautiful dance. You can just drop in when you can (payment is on the door, or via the ‘Book now’ button (on the day of class only) - £10 per person for the evening).

You can also support your practice (or learn the steps from scratch) with the Salsa Library, which you can access in your own time. This is the resource I wanted in my early dance career!! For all those steps that I didn’t manage to quite get the hang of in class, including lots of the ‘shines’ (that we use in warm ups), as well as some of the moves we do in partner work. (It might surprise you to know that I am pretty slow at picking up new steps - so if you feel that too, you’re not alone!!)

Sign up to our salsa newsletter to be kept informed of upcoming salsa offerings, or to get regular updates on dates our live sessions are running on.

I have been teaching salsa for over 20 years (with a bit of a break for parenting!), and originally taught under the guidance of the wonderful Dean Maynard. I am forever grateful for his teachings, for the joy he imparted in his classes, and for the opportunity he gave us (myself and my now-husband) in teaching for him.

Book now

Session details

Tuesday evenings, Emmbrook Village Hall, RG41 1JN.

  • Beginners class 7.45-8.30pm
  • Improvers class 8.45-9.30pm
  • Social dancing 9.30-10.30pm

Pre-requisites: none. (My salsa classes are aimed at people who can stand and move around - I don’t have experience of adapting salsa for Deaf/disabled people, but if that’s you and you’d like to give it a go, please do get in touch and I would love to work with you to find a way for you to access this work.)

Exchange: £10 for the evening (£5 for social dancing only) - payable on the door or via the ‘Book now’ button (on the day of class only). It is not necessary to book in advance.

Reflections from past salsa learners

“Just a quick note to say a big thank you, for your patience and enthusiasm in teaching salsa. I am having a real blast learning to dance (after 30+ years of thinking I had two left feet).”

“I just wanted to say thank you for such an enjoyable evening on Friday. You have created an exceptionally friendly and welcoming atmosphere. The instruction and encouragement was second to none. To say nothing about patience!!!”

“The workshop I attended was great, it helped me have more confidence in what I was doing and I think it helped make my dancing more fluid. I learnt a lot and as always had lots of fun learning. Altogether a valuable and enjoyable afternoon.”

“This is just a note to say thank you for the workshop. As you may have been aware (perhaps only too well!), we had a lot of fun and learnt so much. We had a couple of dances at the end of the workshop and it never felt so smooth. It was very well thought through, very well planned. Congratulations on your first workshop!”

“Thanks for the session on Friday. My first one and really enjoyed it. You have a huge passion for what you are doing which is great to be around.”

  • Format
    live, in person
  • Location
    Wokingham, Berkshire, UK
  • Duration
    1-2.5 hours
  • Price & dates

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