Salsa beginner's course (pre-recorded)

Salsa beginner’s course (pre-recorded)

Please note This page describes our pre-recorded beginner’s salsa course. For information about the live course, please visit this page.

Salsa is a beautiful, lively, energising dance - it brings so much joy to my life, and I want to bring that to you too!

I have been teaching salsa (with a bit of a break for parenting!) since around 2003, and it has been one of the great loves of my life - both dancing and teaching it. There is so much to learn with salsa - AND it’s really simple to get started, and to start enjoying the movement and the music. For more information about salsa and what it can bring to your life, visit this page, or please do just get in touch if you have questions.


Benefits of dance:

It Is Fun!!!

Increases body awareness

Helps reduce mind chatter and distractions, and gets you in the flow!

Connects you with others (yes, even online!)

Boosts mood

Reduces stress

Helps with self-confidence

Is adaptable (depending on your needs)

Can be enjoyed by the whole family

Improves physical health and wellbeing (cardiovascular health, balance, muscle and bone strength, coordination, agility, flexibility)

Improves mental health and performance (memory, cognition)


What you will learn

Course content

  • The basic rhythm and steps of cross-body lead salsa, dancing solo
  • How to move your body as you carry out the steps
  • Recommendations of music to dance to
  • Introduction to leader/follower steps and timing (please note, you don’t need a partner for this course - this is just a bit of a bonus for those who want it!)
  • Extra footwork and bodywork to enhance your dancing
  • How to freestyle your new salsa steps and movements


  • Introduction to merengue
  • Introduction to bachata
  • Introduction to On 2
  • Information about social dancing and equipment

How we do it?

In these short, pre-recorded sessions, you will receive a grounding in salsa, including a little of the theory - and lots and lots of practice! For questions and support throughout (and afterwards!), you would be made most welcome in our wellbeing community.

This is a highly practical and experiential course - you will need space to move, around 2-3 square metres would probably be ok, but you can do it in a really small space if needs be! It is great if you can also reach hands up above your head, but don’t worry if you’re in a low-ceilinged space and can’t do this!

Sign up to our salsa newsletter to be kept informed of upcoming salsa offerings.

I have been teaching salsa for over 20 years (with a bit of a break for parenting!), and originally taught under the guidance of the wonderful Dean Maynard. I am forever grateful for his teachings, for the joy he imparted in his classes, and for the opportunity he gave us (myself and my now-husband) in teaching for him.

Book now

Session details

Pre-recorded video classes.

Pre-requisites: none. (This course is aimed at people who can stand and move around - I don’t have experience of adapting salsa for Deaf/disabled people, but if that’s you and you’d like to give it a go, please do get in touch and I will see what I can do.)

Upcoming live course dates/times: please visit this link for details of the live version of this course.

Exchange: please click through the ‘Book now’ link for price information.

Please note, this group course gives a basic grounding in this beautiful dance, and enables you to continue to practise for yourself at home - to address specific issues or for more tailored, personal teaching, please get in touch to enquire about 1:1 sessions.

Reflections from past salsa learners

Please note, as this is a new course, I have included testimonials here from people who have attended live classes. Reflections from this recorded course will follow!

“Just a quick note to say a big thank you, for your patience and enthusiasm in teaching salsa. I am having a real blast learning to dance (after 30+ years of thinking I had two left feet).”

“I just wanted to say thank you for such an enjoyable evening on Friday. You have created an exceptionally friendly and welcoming atmosphere. The instruction and encouragement was second to none. To say nothing about patience!!!”

“The workshop I attended was great, it helped me have more confidence in what I was doing and I think it helped make my dancing more fluid. I learnt a lot and as always had lots of fun learning. Altogether a valuable and enjoyable afternoon.”

“This is just a note to say thank you for the workshop. As you may have been aware (perhaps only too well!), we had a lot of fun and learnt so much. We had a couple of dances at the end of the workshop and it never felt so smooth. It was very well thought through, very well planned. Congratulations on your first workshop!”

“Thanks for the session on Friday. My first one and really enjoyed it. You have a huge passion for what you are doing which is great to be around.”

Related Offerings

Purple Salsa weekly classes

live, in person Wokingham, Berkshire, UK 1-2.5 hours
